Safe Holiday Travel with your Dog

Going on camping trips is fun, and taking Companions such as your faithful four-legged friend can add to the fun and adventure. Below are some tips to consider

dog-816864_1280-300x230 Safe Holiday Travel with your Dog

Make Sure that Your Dog Can’t Get Lost

It is essential when you are in a strange area that your dog has good recall and is only let off the lead in safe, secure places. After all, if your dog goes a stray 400 miles from home, it is a terrifying and worrying experience for both you and your dog. It may also be an idea to add any local contacts to your dog tag for the trip.

Get All of their Vaccinations Up to Date

If your dog gets into an altercation with another animal (or a person), the central issue will become their rabies shots. If you stay at a campground that has a demanding pet policy, you’ll need to verify your dog’s vaccination records. If you cross into Canada, you’ll have to confirm that your dogs have had their shots. You get the idea.

Make Your Dogs Easy to Identify

If your dog does get lost (unfortunately, it happens all the time), the ability to quickly identify them will become critical. For permanent identification purposes, consider tattoos or microchips. At a minimum, make sure they wear tags that show their name, your current phone number, and the date of their last rabies vaccination.

Clean Up After Your Dog

The biggest complaint about dogs has nothing to do with their bark, bite, or behaviour. If you pick up after your dog, you’ll be helping dog owners everywhere.

 Learn How to Provide First Aid to Your Dog

If a medical crisis occurs at home, you drive to your local veterinarian. But if you’re heading down a dark highway in a strange town, it will seem like a bad dream. However, there are ways to get help while on the road. It always takes more time. In the meantime, your ability to provide competent first aid could save your dog’s life.

Below are some other posts by Derek of Finchley Dog Walker