Kennel Cough Remedies

Some Natural  Ways to Help Kennel Cough

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If you think your dog has developed kennel cough, you should take him to your vet, who may decide that a course of antibiotics is an appropriate line of treatment.

Tell them before you go as kennel cough is very contagious, and they may not want you in the waiting room with other dogs.

Some remedies may well help support your dog alongside conventional medication.


A daily dosage of Garlic has always been our favourite method for preventing and treating coughs and other problems.

Please note that high doses of raw Garlic can be toxic, so use appropriate forms such as Dorwest Herbs

Garlic has long been known for its antibiotic and anti-viral properties and also has anti-inflammatory compounds. Fenugreek seeds also contain anti-inflammatory properties.

Using tablets from somewhere like Dorwest Herbs can help relieve the symptoms of minor infections such as skin conditions, eczema, cystitis and coughs. This stronger garlic tablet is also used in the treatment of arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Garlic & Fenugreek Tablets increase resistance to infections by stimulating the immune system when given regularly at the maintenance dose.


Peppermint can help to relieve sore throat and make breathing much easier. Make it into tea with a bit of honey and hot water. When it is cool, use droppers to give your pet a few drops every hour; you’ll soon notice a difference.

Raw Honey

We all know that if we have a sore throat, warm honey can help relieve the symptoms, and it is the same for your pet. Manuka honey in a little warm water and given regularly will help with soreness.
If your dog seems reluctant to have a drink, you could use a medicine dropper to give them some of the sweet solution every few hours.

Yerba Santa

Yerba Santa can help relieve phlegm. Make this into a tea and add a few drops to water every hour. This works as a mild decongestant which can help to alleviate your pet’s symptoms.

Wild Cherry Bark

It can be quite bitter – try to encourage it as much as possible. It can help to reduce an inflamed throat for your dog, follow the recommended dosage for children and mix it with a bit of water!

These are just some of the natural treatments you can use to help relieve the symptoms of kennel cough.
Remember that some dogs will respond better to treatments than others, so if you find your dog isn’t responding to one type of natural treatment, don’t give up. Instead, try something else until your pet starts to feel better.
Natural remedies should not be used instead of conventional medicine

If you use a Dog Walker or attend training classes and suspect Kennel Cough, please inform them immediately so they can discuss a suitable plan with you.