5 Tips to Keep A Dog Cool this summer

summer-infographic-1024x536 5 Tips to Keep A Dog Cool this summer

Well, it seems summer has finally arrived, bringing higher temperatures. As much as we humans enjoy the Fun and the sun, it’s vitally crucial that you remember how rising temperatures can affect your dog and his health. Most dog breeds easily overheat, and the only way to release this excess heat is through a small number of sweat glands between their toes and by panting. Here, we suggest keeping dogs cool and hydrated so they can enjoy the summer days just as much as you can.

Is your dog too hot?

During the warm weather, it’s important to carefully watch your dog in case they show signs of overheating.

Some signs that your dog is too hot include dry and pale gums, excessive panting, excessive drooling, staggering, vomiting, erratic pulse…

If your dog shows any of these symptoms or doesn’t seem like their usual self, consider cooling them down using one or more tips. If there is no improvement, then it is time to seek professional advice on overheating

Tips to keep a dog and prevent overheating

 Cooling mat 

Investing in a cooling mat will provide an excellent surface for your dog to lay on when it start to get hot. General cooling mats do not require electricity or must be placed in a freezer for a long time beforehand. hey, work by magic, well, not quite. They have cooling crystals inside which start to react and cool down as soon as any pressure is applied.

These pads are very portable and can be taken anywhere with you. In fact, why not get one for yourself and place it behind you on a chair? They’re really good.

Soak a towel in cold water. 

  If you haven’t got a cooling mat, you could get some old towels and soak them in cold water until they are nice and wet. Then, place them on the floor around the house so your dog can lie on them.

drinking water

Provide a plentiful supply of fresh, cool drinking water. Use containers and an area in the shade in case one is split. Try adding some ice cubes to the water to make it cooler.

Refreshing fun in the sun

Provide a child’s paddling pool filled with cold water. Dogs will love to wade into the water and splash around to keep cool. Cooling their feet freshens the sweat glands in their paws. Try sprinkling some water onto h s chest too. Never use ice directly onto his body, as this may lower their body temperature too quickly, causing the blood flow to constrict. If you have small children at home, ensure that the paddling pool is fenced off safely, and never leave the dogs and children alone near the pool.

Dogs and exercise

Try to walk your dog in the coolness of the evening or early morning, especially on very ot, sunny days, to help prevent dogs from overheating.

Your dog will love a dip in the sea (if on a dog-friendly beach location) or a local river. This will not only cool your dog down but also help him avoid dehydration and the worry of painful paws resulting after a walk on very hot concrete pavements. Dogs aren’t always aware of their limits and constantly chase a ball. If your pet begins to breathe more rapidly, slow things down and allow time for him to cool off

Provide outside shelter

If your dog prefers to spend his time outside, provide some sort of shelter, such as an awning so that he has somewhere to lie down from the sun’s rays.   A large shrub in the garden can help provide some shelter, too. If you are going out for the day, consider leaving your dog home if it’s too hot. We enjoy going to its beach and sitting in the sun most of the day; however, dogs do not. Excessive heat can leave a dog dehydrated. For this reasdog’sit’s best and more comfortable for your pet to leave him at home.it is important to keep him safe in the sun

To trim or not to trim your dog’s coat.

Many people naturally assume that trimming or shaving their dog’s fur during the summer’s heat will help cool them down. In reality, this isn’t with the layers of your pet’s coat protecting them from suits and overheating. Trimming long hair to tidy up his coat is fine, but It won’t do anything to aid cooling purposes.

Always remember that it’s essential to watch your dog closely during these hot summer days. If you are in doubt, move him to a cooler area. If you notice any signs of heatstroke, contact everyone immediately.

Please note here at Finchley Dog Walker, we take pet safety very seriously and have an extreme weather policy to ensure everyone’s safety.

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