How Much Should Your Dog Eat?

golden-retriever-puppy-2706672_640 How Much Should Your Dog Eat?

Learning how much you should feed your dog is more important than you may realise, but obviously, there is a massive size difference between dogs and the level of activity and breed change how much food they may need.

Finding specific guidelines is tricky because they tend to be trial and error. Still, it also seems to be something we often get wrong, as obesity in the dog world is becoming a real problem for vets across the country. So, you must work out precisely what nutrition and how much your four-legged friend might need each day.

Why is it important how much I feed my dog?

Just like in humans, obesity in dogs can cause significant health problems and shorten their life span. Equally, undernutrition can also be a problem that can make your pet ill. If you visit the vet, you will likely see posters on the wall showing you how your dog should look, and the easiest way to see if a dog is under or overweight is to look at them when standing up from above.

A dog should have a slight indentation where their waist would be, and you shouldn’t be able to see their stomachs sticking out if you are standing directly over them looking down.

A dog would be considered too thin if you could see each rib’s definitions.

The health concerns from dog obesity are serious and can be life-limiting, resulting in a shorter time with your pup. The most common conditions are diabetes and arthritis, which are very similar to overweight people, hypothyroidism, cancer, pancreatitis, and oral disease.

Conversely, there are problems if an animal does not get enough nutrients and loses weight, and, in this case, we would class them as malnourished. You would expect low energy levels, a dull and dry coat, perhaps even with flaky skin or dandruff. Your dog would also be much more susceptible to viruses and bugs and may vomit. If a dog vomits green or yellow bile with nothing else in it, the chances are that they are hungry.

How much should I feed my puppy?

Puppies are like children and constantly grow and develop their bodies and organs. Due to this, they need regular high-calorie food to help them.

It is generally recommended that when you first get your puppy, they should have 3 to 4 small meals a day up until they are around six months.

Feeding small meals more frequently makes it easier for the puppy to digest. On top of that, as your puppy will be active in exploring and playing, they will use their energy quickly.

You can start looking to drop this down to just two meals a day at around six months. It is also essential to keep an eye on their weight as often an overweight puppy leads to an overweight dog.

If you are uncertain how much to feed your dog at any stage in its life, please consult your vet.

How much to feed an adult dog?

This is a very good question, and the answer is not quite straightforward for humans. If your dog is the ideal weight, look on the back of the packet and feed according to the guidelines. Of course, you will need to keep an eye on their weight, just in case.

However, if you have a dog that is not as active and has a 20-minute walk around the block, then feeding the recommended amount could lead to them being fat. The same as an active dog could be underweight.

It is important to remember that the package is only a guideline as no one can be exact without knowing the dog.

Start with the recommended amount in a measuring jug, monitor the eight dogs over a month, and then adjust accordingly.

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