Fireworks – Signs of Noise Fear

adorable-animal-canine-128817-300x201 Fireworks – Signs of Noise Fear

With November fast approaching and fireworks already in the shops, it is time to think about your dog and a very common problem which is a fear of loud noises

In case you are not sure if your dog has a fear of loud noises, below is a list of Noise Fear signs

  • Refusing to eat
  • Trying to Run Away
  • Soiling in the house
  • Pacing and Panting
  • Excessive Barking
  • Trembling
  • Covering and Hiding behind furniture
  • Dogs can yawn (when they are not sleepy) and lick their nose and lips a lot.
  • Cats can sit and over-groom themselves (this is where they focus on one particular area for a long time.)

Below are some Hints and Tips to help get through the Firework Season

  1.  Provide your dog with a safe place. This could be somewhere that our dog tends to go to when feeling scared. For example, my two go to the bathroom in the middle of the flat with no windows. I, therefore, put there a bed in there along with some water and kibble and a cosy blanket
  2. Before November, try something like Scallcap and Valerian tablets from Dorwest, as they will help calm him
  3.  Try and avoid going out after dark when the fireworks will be around.
  4. When out for walks, ensure your pet’s colpet’ss tight enough (but not too tight) to prevent them from slipping out if they are startled by loud noises/fireworks.
  5. If your dogs bolt for any reason, they will likely hide in the local area. If this is unsuccessful, notify the local vets, pet shops, dog warden etc. Consider having your dog chipped *which will be the law in 2016) so that he can be returned quickly and safely.
  6. Close windows and curtains. Play some music to mask and muffle the sound of fireworks. Leave a light on, which will help dampen the fireworks flashing lights.
  7. Act regular – seeing you usually act and not show any fear will help your dog feel more settled.
  8. Avoid leaving him on his own
  9. Never punish or fuss over your pet when it’s scarit’sas this will only make things worse in the long run.


Before the Firework Season

Before the firework season starts, why not build a den or somewhere to feel safe (Missy has a den under my desk)? The Den should be covered to help block out the light and sound of the fireworks in a quiet place of the house.

The Den can be made out of almost anything, such as old cardboard covered with a blanket or two and a nice blanket inside. As frightened dogs tend to pant more, ensure plenty of water is available.

Firework advise from East Barnt of TRaining