It’s New Years Eve! Keeping your dog safe during the celebrations

Copy-of-happy-new-year-2-1024x536 It’s New Years Eve! Keeping your dog safe during the celebrations

While we all love celebrating New Year, it doesn’t mean that our pets enjoy it quite as much. During the evening of 31st December, we often celebrate with friends and family. It’s an excellent excuse for a party and a celebration as we see out the old year. Although humans often celebrate with fireworks, loud music, fun and games, this can be a distressing and unsettling time for our pets.

Our 6 top tips for a fun and safe New Year’s Eve with your pets

Many things about New Year’s Eve can make our pets anxious and afraid. Strange people come into their homes, shouting in the street as people celebrate together. Not to mention the loud bangs and explosions from the fireworks that will ring in the New Year at midnight. Follow these hints to make sure your pet is happy and relaxed at home:

Keep your pet safely enclosed at home

Close the blinds or curtains, and make sure all windows and doors are firmly closed. Play some relaxing music or put a pet-friendly movie on the TV. This will help to mask some of the alarming sounds from outside.

Make your dog comfy in his bed.

Settle your dog with his favourite toys and plenty of blankets. He will have somewhere to snuggle when the fireworks begin.

If possible, take your dog for a walk and do toilet duties before it dark.

The New Year’s fireworks don’t usually begin until midnight, but some early celebrations mean they are set off sooner. Ensure that your dog is wearing a collar with his ID tag, and is microchipped, just in case he is startled and runs off.

 Distract your dog when at home, away from the outside noises.

Treats and toys will keep him occupied, or you could play games to keep his mind occupied. A new toy will keep him intrigued for quite some time.

Stick to feeding routines

So that you don’t upset your pets with any changes to their general feeding and drinking times, always ensure your pet has access to fresh drinking water at all times.

Keep alcohol well away from your dog.

Many pets find the smell of alcohol appealing, but it can do lots of damage. Keep any alcoholic drinks well out of your pet’s reach. Make sure that house guests don’t think giving your dog any beer is a fun trick – it will only cause health problems.

Having a party at home

If you have guests in your home to celebrate the New Year, give your dog space, well away from strangers and party music. He will probably be unsettled with more people than usual being in his home, not to mention the food and alcohol that will be carried around. Ensure your guests don’t feed your dog any party snacks, especially chocolate treats meant only for human consumption. On New Year’s Day, the last thing you need is an expensive visit to the Vets surgery. Party poppers and Christmas crackers used at a party can be very frightening for a dog or cat.

Noisy Fireworks

Many people set off fireworks in their gardens and at parties at New Year. If your dog is anxious and worried about these loud banks and crackles, try to make things easier to reduce the problems. Play the radio or TV louder, and give your pet a safe place to hide.

If you stay calm around your pet, he will be less anxious. Speak in a soothing voice, give lots of attention and praise and reward with a treat when calm. Your pet will soon associate your calmness with his peace of mind and know that he is safe when near you.

Keep these tips in mind, and hopefully, both you and your pet will have a stress-free New Year’s Eve celebration.

Happy New Year and all good wishes for 2023 from the Finchley Dog Walker. Remember, if we are able to help out with any of your pet needs, from Dog Walking to Cat feeding and holiday care, whilst you enjoy a summer break, please get in touch via WhatsApp on 077 077 6 33 44

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